Content Marketing Services

Content Marketing Services

A great content strategy is the key to success!

We offer content marketing services that really connect with your audience. In our fast-moving online world, it’s important to stand out, and that’s what we’re good at.

Our team focuses on making stories that your audience, especially those in behavioral health, will really care about. We don’t just make content. We care about making it creative, high-quality, and getting it out there in smart ways. This helps make sure your message not only reaches your audience but also helps your business grow.

Content marketing is key for growing your brand, and we’re here to help you meet your marketing goals with our custom services. Let’s work together to improve your content strategy and boost your brand.

Our objectives include:

Content marketing services funnel

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is an important tool for you to connect with your clients. It’s about creating and sharing valuable, relevant content and publishing regularly.

Instead of just pushing your services, you use content marketing to offer valuable insights, entertain, educate, and engage with potential clients. The goal is to establish trust, showcase your expertise, and position your business as the go-to expert in the behavioral health industry.

This engaging and informative content is then published on your blog, guest posts, made into infographics, animated videos, and utilized for social media posts. The ability to show up on many channels in many formats creates a digital ecosphere for your potential client with you at the center.

Content marketing strategies help attract potential clients who are more likely to engage with your brand and eventually use your services. Content marketing isn’t just a quick sales tactic; it’s about building lasting relationships and offering real value to your clients.


Our content marketing services

Huely Inc. offers customized content marketing services to meet your business’s unique needs. We focus on creating content that connects with your target audience, drives engagement, and enhances your online presence. Here’s a quick overview of what we can do for you:
Creating Success

Our content marketing approach

1. Define your company's SMART goals

We clearly identify specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for your content marketing efforts.

2. Content analysis

We thoroughly analyze your existing content to understand what is working and what may need improvements.

3. Create a calculated content strategy

We develop a well-planned strategy that aligns with your goals, target audience, and industry trends to ensure effective content creation and distribution.

4. Content review and editing

We carefully proofread and edit all content for accuracy, clarity, and brand consistency, ensuring it meets high standards before being published.

5. Publish content

We regularly produce and publish high-quality content across relevant platforms, such as blogs, social media, and email newsletters.

6. Measure results and make changes as needed

We utilize google analytics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor your content marketing efforts and make adjustments to optimize performance.

The proof is in the numbers

Content marketing statistics


Businesses with active blogs report 67% more leads per month.


Effective content marketing can lead to a 55% increase in site visits.


Companies with solid content strategies see six times higher conversion rates

Start your content marketing strategy today

At Huely Inc., we know that one-size-fits-all doesn’t work in content marketing, especially for behavioral health. So, we really listen to what you need and make a content plan just for you, one that can make a big impact.

We aim to do more than just meet your expectations – we want to go beyond them. With our team of experts, you’ll find it easier to handle the tricky world of digital marketing. We’ll make sure your message hits home with your audience. We’re here to help your brand grow and shine; a great content plan is the way to do it.

FAQs about content marketing

Content marketing firms are experts at helping businesses highlight their brands and share their stories. They create a range of content, like articles, web pages, videos, and social media posts, to help businesses connect with the right people. Their goal is to keep people interested with content that’s useful, interesting, and solves problems.

These firms offer more services too. They plan out content, make sure it’s easy to find online, share it widely, and track how well it’s doing. They work closely with businesses to really understand their brand, their marketing goals, and the people they want to reach. This helps them create content plans that fit the business’s goals just right.

By making content that tells a good story and gives valuable information, these firms help businesses stand out. They help businesses become leaders in their field, get their brand known, and get people talking. In online marketing, good content is key, and these agencies help businesses shine online.

A content audit thoroughly examines all the content a business has online. This could include articles, blog posts and web pages. The idea is to go through everything and evaluate what’s there.

During a content audit, we look at how well each piece of content is performing. This might involve checking how many people are reading or viewing it, how it’s ranking on search engines, and whether it’s achieving its intended purpose, like attracting more clients or providing useful information.

The audit aims to figure out what’s working and what’s not. This helps identify content that might need updating, tweaking, or even removing. It’s important to make sure that all content matches the current goals and strategies of the business.

Choosing topics for content is a strategic process that involves understanding your audience, aligning with your brand’s goals, and keeping an eye on current trends and data. Here’s a breakdown of how we typically choose topics:

  1. Understanding the audience is crucial when creating content. It’s important to know what interests, needs, and pain points they have. We conduct thorough keyword research to find out what your potential clients are searching for. This helps us create content that your target audience is searching for and drives traffic to your website.
  2. Aligning with Brand Goals: The content should align with your brand’s overall goals and values. Whether it’s to educate, inform, entertain, or sell, each topic should contribute to these broader objectives.
  3. Market and Trend Analysis: Keeping up with industry trends and market research is vital. This includes looking at competitors, industry news, and trend reports to see what’s currently relevant and engaging in your field.
  4. Keyword and SEO Research: Using tools to research keywords and search engine trends can highlight what people are searching for online. This helps in creating content that is more likely to be found and read.
  5. Content Gaps: Analyzing existing content helps identify gaps in topics that still need to be covered or areas where your existing content can be expanded or updated.
An infographic shows data and info in a picture. It makes complex details simple and looks good too. You’ll see things like charts, graphs, and photos with just a bit of text to make a point clear, sum up big ideas, or show changes in numbers over time. Infographics are all about easy learning. They let people get the gist fast, without sifting through lots of words.

When we look at long blogs versus short blogs, there are a few main differences:

Length and Detail:

  • Long blogs are usually more than 1,500 words. They go deep into a topic, offering lots of information and detailed views. They often look at different sides of a topic.
  • Short blogs are around 300-500 words. They’re brief and straight to the point, usually covering one part of a topic or giving a quick summary.

Purpose and Engagement:

  • Long blogs are great for deep topics like tutorials or big guides. They’re good for SEO, as they give search engines more to look at. They also make your site seem more expert.
  • Short blogs work well for readers who like quick reads or when the topic is simple. They’re easy to read fast, good for news or quick tips.

Reader Expectation and Time:

  • Long blogs mean readers expect lots of useful info. They’re ready to spend more time reading, so the content needs to be interesting and worth it.
  • Short blogs are for those wanting quick answers. They take less time to read, which is nice for people who are busy.

SEO and Performance:

  • Long blogs often rank better in searches because they’re detailed, have lots of keywords, and can get linked to by others.
  • Short blogs may not be as strong for SEO, but they’re good for easy keywords and mobile users.

Shareability and Format:

  • Long blogs are often shared for their useful content. They should have things like pictures, videos, and infographics to make them more engaging.
  • Short blogs are easy to read and share quickly, great for social media where shorter is often better.

To accomplish higher rankings in search engine listings, it is crucial to target an optimal word count for your blog post. While the ideal length can vary, a widely recommended guideline is to aim for a length of around 1,500 to 2,000 words. This range is considered optimal for several reasons:

  • Detailed Content: Longer posts provide the space to delve into a topic in depth, offering comprehensive information. This thoroughness can make the post more valuable to readers, which search engines favor.
  • Keyword Opportunities: With more content, you have more opportunities to naturally incorporate relevant keywords, which can improve your post’s search engine visibility.
  • Quality Signals: Search engines, like Google, often view longer content as a sign of quality, especially if the content is well-written and provides valuable information or insights.
  • Engagement Metrics: Longer posts can keep readers on your page for a longer time, improving engagement metrics like time on page and bounce rate, which can positively influence rankings.
  • Backlink Potential: In-depth, authoritative posts are more likely to earn organic backlinks from other websites, which is crucial in search engine rankings.

However, it’s important to note that quality should not be sacrificed for length. A shorter, well-crafted, and informative blog post can outperform a longer one if it’s more relevant, engaging, and valuable to the reader. Additionally, the ideal length can vary depending on the blog’s topic, audience, and purpose. Some subjects may require more extensive coverage, while others can be effectively addressed in fewer words.

A content calendar is a detailed plan for your content work. It’s a guide for what to make and when to share it. This includes things like blog articles, social media posts, emails, and other content.

The goal of a content calendar is to keep your content plan neat and steady. It lets you arrange your content ahead of time. This way, you can keep putting out new stuff regularly. This keeps your audience interested and helps with SEO.

We’re proud to have experts on our team who know a lot about specific areas, especially behavioral health. Our writers are great at telling stories and really understand behavioral health. This know-how is key to making sure our content is not just interesting, but also really fits the field.

Our writers keep up with the latest information in behavioral health – new studies, trends, and changes. They use this to write content that’s full of good info and insights. This is great for both experts and anyone else interested in this topic. Plus, they’re really good at making complex ideas and industry terms easy to understand for everyone. This makes sure your message is clear and makes a big impact.

Also, our team gets the unique things about the behavioral health community. They know how to make content that’s caring, respectful, and follows the industry’s ethical rules. Whether you want to teach, share info, or get people to do something, our content is made to fit your goals while respecting the details of behavioral health.

Measuring success in content involves analyzing various metrics to understand how well your content is performing and whether it’s achieving your intended goals. Here’s how we typically measure success in content:

  • Traffic: This is one of the most straightforward metrics. We look at how many people are visiting your website. High traffic can indicate that your content is appealing and reaching a wide audience.
  • Engagement: This includes time spent on the page. High engagement rates often mean your content resonates with your audience and encourages interaction.
  • Website Traffic on Service Pages: We measure the number of visitors to key service-related pages on your website. This helps understand which services are attracting more interest.
  • Conversion Rates: This involves tracking how many leads (potential clients) are generated through your content. High-quality, informative content is a powerful tool for generating leads in the behavioral health industry.
  • SEO Performance: We assess the performance of your content in search engine rankings for relevant keywords. Good SEO performance means more visibility and more traffic.
  • Bounce Rate: This metric tells us if visitors quickly leave your site after arriving. A high bounce rate might indicate that your content needs to meet visitors’ expectations or be more engaging.
  • Audience Growth: We measure success by looking at the growth of your audience over time.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Ultimately, we measure the success of content by looking at the return on investment. This involves comparing the gains achieved from your content against the cost of producing and distributing it.

Through a comprehensive analysis of these metrics, we gain insights into your content’s performance and make data-driven decisions on how to enhance your content strategy.

Content marketing costs vary based on several factors:
  • Services Offered: The cost depends on whether you need comprehensive services, including strategy development, content creation, distribution, and analytics, or just specific services like blog writing or social media management.
  • Content Volume and Frequency: The amount and frequency of content required (e.g., number of blog posts per month, social media updates, etc.) play a significant role in determining the cost.
  • Customization and Strategy Depth: The extent to which the content strategy is customized to your business needs and the depth of research and planning can affect the price.
  • Additional Services: Services like SEO optimization, multimedia content (such as videos or infographics), and advanced analytics may incur additional costs.
For accurate pricing, it’s best to contact us directly. We provide a complimentary consultation to understand your specific needs and will provide a customized quote based on those requirements. Remember, while cost is an essential factor, the quality of service and the potential return on investment are equally crucial to consider in content marketing.